00359 29924097
00359 879888082
Sofia, 1415, 36 Okolovrasten pat Str., floor 2, Bulgaria

“Dias” Bermudagrass Hybrid

(Tifway 419)

Above all ... at water shortages!
Bermudagrass hybrid. Bright green colour and fine leaves with soft texture. High tolerance in very high temperatures and hard, intensive use, survives water shortages. During winter it turns slightly yellow and ret
A warm season hybrid which composes a soft, dense and deep green coloured surface with fine leaves. It multiplies with springs. It has a deep root system and is immune to most diseases. 
SUGGESTED USE: Houses, parks, playgrounds, football fields, 5x5 mini soccer fields, commercial areas (outside shops, malls etc), golf fairways. It is ideal for coastal areas, swimming pools and sandy soils. 
TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE: Satisfactory tolerance to heat, it can tolerate 40°C or more. It becomes dormant below 5°C, it recovers its green colour in the spring. It is also available over-seeded with Lolium, thus maintaining its green colour all year round. 
IRRIGATION: Satisfactory tolerance in periods of drought. It needs 60 % less water and has to be watered with 45mm/week during hot months. It tolerates poor quality water (6.500Ms/CM) conductivity or a mixture of 30% sea water. It can also be watered with biologically processed water. 
CUTTING HEIGHT: Low (1-2). It is suggested that a cylindrical type mower is used. It needs frequent removal of thatch. The need for cutting is 10 days. 
00359 29924097
00359 879888082
Sofia, 1415, 36 Okolovrasten pat Str., floor 2, Bulgaria
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