00359 29924097
00359 879888082
Sofia, 1415, 36 Okolovrasten pat Str., floor 2, Bulgaria

Balkanica Sod Variety

(Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and Festucaspp)

A cool season grass mixture of deep green color with medium leaf texture.
This variety consists of a creeping perennial ryegrass which outperforms traditional perennial ryegrass resulting into a regenerating perennial ryegrass with the highest wear tolerance: perfectly suited for sports purposes.
Also, it consists of tetraploid seed blend which provides top performing cultivars, all listed in Turfgrass Seed, germination and shoot recovery from 5°C, fast early establishment, exceptional wear tolerance and shoot recovery, stronger root mass with greater drought tolerances, superior disease tolerance.
All the seeds are following the international sport fields standards of FIFA.

TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE: Poor tolerance to high temperatures, ideal for low temperatures
IRRIGATION: During warm months every 1-2 days (70-80mm weekly). It has a poor tolerance in periods of drought.
CUTTING HEIGHT: Low-medium (2- 3,5 cm). It needs weekly cutting.
00359 29924097
00359 879888082
Sofia, 1415, 36 Okolovrasten pat Str., floor 2, Bulgaria
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